Design Objective:
Design a piece of your choosing with any medium of your own choice as well as create a mock-up of a digitized version of the artwork.
Creative Brief:
The subject I drew for my final piece is a one-point perspective of a street with multiple buildings. The mediums I used were black ink and watercolor because I wanted to challenge myself with a medium that I was not confident with. The black ink was used to create outlines on the buildings and help illustrate some of the smaller details such as cracks in the road and sidewalk as well as for the small birds in the sky. I used watercolor to make sky background along with adding a wash of color to the buildings and pavement color to the sidewalk and road. The drawing techniques I used were mainly cross-hatching, pressured line work. I would use the cross-hatching technique to add a textured look to some of the roofing on the buildings and to create shading on the windows. Pressured line was used to add dimension, depth, and variety to the piece. The color scheme I was aiming for was rustic, yet colorful.